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Bad Breath


Some people suffer from an unpleasant odour coming from their mouth, which is commonly referred to as bad breath. Halitosis is the medical term used for defining bad breath. Bad breath can be persistent or occur occasionally, depending on an individual case.

Usually bad breath occurs because of the colonies of bacteria that live inside the oral cavity, which provides perfect conditions for the bacteria to thrive, especially warmth and moisture. Halitosis is most commonly caused by insufficient oral hygiene, periodontal diseases, respiratory infections, xerostomia (dry mouth), diabetes, liver and kidney conditions, reflux gastric diseases and sometimes even certain ‘unpleasant’ foods and habits, such as garlic, onion or smoking. In some cases, bad breath occurs inevitably and is considered fairly normal, especially in the morning due to the mouth drying out during sleep.

Certain foods, such as raw carrots, celeries, mouth freshening gum or mints, can help fight bad breath. Moreover, drinking plenty of water will ensure healthy balance in the mouth and help the salivary glands produce enough saliva.

In terms of dental care, the rules for preventing bad breath are the same as the rules of good oral hygiene, which are brushing and flossing regularly, using mouthwash and visiting the dentist for regular checkups and professional cleaning.