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Dental bridges

Custom-made solutions that last for years

A dental bridge is used to bridge a gap (missing teeth) between healthy teeth. Teeth on either side of the gap are reshaped and reduced in size. These then act as anchors, or abutments. The bridge is attached to these anchor teeth - filling the missing tooth space.

Should I consider dental bridges?

If you have missing teeth and have good oral hygiene practices, you should seriously consider dental bridges. Spaces from missing teeth can cause your other teeth and your gums to become far more susceptible to tooth decay and gum disease. Also, if spaces are left unfilled, they may cause the surrounding teeth to drift out of position.

Are there alternatives to dental bridges?

Alternatives to bridges include less stable dentures or a more permanent and invasive dental implant. The great thing about dental bridges is that, if properly looked after, they can last up to 10 years. Also, bridges have a huge advantage over other cosmetic dental procedures: a bridge is a fixed option that does not have to be taken out and placed back into the mouth.

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If you have a space from a missing tooth, a dental bridge will be custom-made to fill in the space with a false tooth. It's that simple!

dental crowns

The procedure

Stage One: The teeth on either side of the gap are first prepared by us under local anaesthesia. A small part of each of the adjacent teeth is trimmed away to make room for the supporting crowns to fit over them. We will take an impression of the teeth using 'dental putty', which will then be sent to our dental laboratory to be used to make the bridge and the crown. We will usually fit a temporary bridge whilst the new one is being fabricated.

Stage Two: At your next appointment, the temporary bridge is removed. The new permanent bridge will be evaluated for fit, colour-match and how it affects your bite. Once we are happy with the restoration, the new bridge will be cemented onto the adjacent teeth.