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Damon Braces

Damon braces is a new revolutionary method of teeth straightening. Damon braces are based on friction free technology and allow correction without extracting other teeth, while conventional orthodontic methods often require healthy teeth to be removed in order to make room for the moving tooth. Moreover, the results are usually achieved much faster than with conventional straightening methods. The duration of the treatment can generally be reduced by 4 to 6 months by using Damon braces instead of conventional braces. Damon braces are also much more comfortable since they are less likely to cause irritation of the gum tissue and do not have to be tightened, which might be painful. A high standard of dental hygiene is easier to maintain during treatment with Damon braces, since elastic bands are not used and the teeth are much more accessible. In most cases, patients will not need to wear painful and uncomfortable palatal expanders or headgear. Damon braces are not as discrete as Invisalign aligners, but provide a more aesthetic appearance than conventional orthodontic systems, since they are mostly made from clear, durable ceramic based material. Damon braces are likely to be slightly more expensive than traditional braces, but will allow teeth to slide into the desired position in a more efficient, painless and convenient way.