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Cold Sores

Cold sores are a very common condition, which is caused by HSV-1 (herpes simplex virus type 1). HSV-1 spreads easily and can be passed on through saliva or skin contact. The most noticeable symptom of cold sores is generally a set of small blisters around the lip. The majority of our population first gets the virus when they are younger than 10 years old.

HSV-1 is a lifelong condition and remains in the individual’s body after the first infection for good. Over time, the virus occasionally becomes active (usually due to a cold) causing cold sores to appear again. Moreover, HSV-1 can spread to other surfaces of the body and can appear around the eyes, on the fingers or sexual organs. However, herpes infections on the genitals are more commonly caused by HSV-2 (herpes simplex type 2).

The first time an individual is infected with HSV-1 is usually more severe than later outbreaks and can cause fever, headache and nausea as well as painful sores. Cold sores that reappear later in life can be induced by mental and emotional stress, certain dental treatments, infections and traumatised lips. Weak immune system, poor diet and exposure to sunlight are also believed to increase the risk of cold sores appearing. Usually, HSV-1 is not dangerous and the symptoms completely disappear within 8-10 days. However, the virus can cause serious medical problems in people who suffer from other illnesses or have a weak immune system.