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Lingual Braces

Lingual braces are a new orthodontic system for straightening of teeth where custom made braces are attached to the back of the teeth rather than the front, making it virtually impossible for anyone to notice the braces. All braces consist of two parts: the brackets that are connected to the teeth and the wires that link the brackets together. Lingual braces are particularly suitable for working professional or anyone else that wants to correct their orthodontic problems without people noticing that they wear braces.

Lingual braces can solve most of the orthodontic conditions that are treated with conventional braces, including underbite, overbite, crowding and gaps between teeth. Lingual braces are based on the idea that the construction will gently push the incorrectly situated teeth, which will result in them moving to the desired position. It is not uncommon for patients to choose standard braces on the lower teeth (since they are much less visible) and lingual braces on the upper teeth.

It might take some time after the procedure for the patient to completely adjust to the braces. Usually, patients feel a slight irritation on the lingual tissue and altered speech. The patient might experience modifications in ways of swallowing. However, these side effects should not last longer than 1-4 weeks.

The patient will be required to maintain a high standard of oral hygiene, avoid hard, spicy or crunchy foods for a few days after the operation and visit the dentist for examinations and adjustments regularly. As lingual braces are hidden, it is more difficult to notice food particles. Therefore, lingual braces require thorough brushing and flossing, which can be quite time consuming at the beginning of the treatment. Moreover, since this is a relatively new treatment, it might be difficult to find a specialist who is qualified to perform the procedure.