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Bruxism (Tooth Grinding)


Bruxism, also known as grinding of teeth, is a common habit which is believed to be caused by stress, anxiety or incorrect lining up of the teeth. Cases of bruxism differ greatly in degree, ranging from mild and harmless grinding that does not cause any health problems to severe cases causing serious damage to the individual’s health, especially during sleep. Nocturnal bruxism is categorised as a sleeping disorder and is relatively common, particularly in children and teenagers. Bruxism occurs when the reflex of chewing is active while sleeping, but is not controlled by the brain.

Patients are usually unaware of their habit, unless they are informed by someone who sleeps in the same room. In very severe cases, patients can experience facial pain, aching of the jaw and headaches after sleep. If bruxism occurs in young children, it is likely that it will disappear over time. A dentist can also provide the child with a special splint that will have to be worn at night time and is designed to prevent the damage to the teeth and oral cavity caused by grinding of teeth. Bruxism has to be treated, since some cases can result in damaging the teeth enamel, breaking dental fillings, causing gum problems and fraying of teeth.