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Gum reshaping

Immediate and permanent results

Are you worried that too much gum is showing when you smile? Do you feel that you show too much gum when you smile? Is you gum line very uneven or receding? If so, then gum reshaping (or contouring) could be for you. With gum reshaping, these problems can be easily resolved either as a standalone treatment or in combination with other treatments such as dental implants or veneers. Using a specialist laser that seals the gum as they go along your cosmetic dentist is now able to restore the balance of your smile.

How soon will I see a difference?

Following gum reshaping the results are immediate although your gums maybe a little swollen and sore. Full recovery can range from a few days upto a few weeks which will depend on how invasive the gum reshaping treatment was. If a large amount of the gum has to be removed, it will take longer to recover as it it may have been necessary for your cosmetic dentist to cut some of the bone to prevent the gum from growing back. If this is the case your cosmetic dentist may need to use a scalpel or drill to extract bone and this will obviously be more painful.

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The great thing about gum reshaping is that results are usually permanent and relatively inexpensive.

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The Procedure

Gum reshaping is a state-of-the-art scorrective procedure that is is effective in reshaping gum tissue when part of the tooth is hidden by an overdeveloped gum line. Your cosmetic dentisrt will mark out and then trim away excess gum tissue using a special laser which also cauterises (seals) blood vessels and helps to minimises bleeding and swelling.