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Dry Mouth

Dry mouth, which is also called xerostomia, is not a medical condition but rather a side effect that can be caused by a variety of other medical conditions that affect the production of saliva.

Saliva is a fluid that is necessary in order to keep the oral cavity moist and process food. Moreover, it prevents decay and aids in keeping the healthy condition of the teeth by taking away plaque and food particles as well as neutralizing acids that could affect the dental enamel. Patients that suffer from xerostomia also have increased risk of developing yeast infections in the oral cavity tissues.

Although dry mouth is a symptom itself, usually it comes with many other symptoms, including constant thirst, sore mouth, throat, tongue and lips, difficulty while swallowing, bad breath, loss of taste, more frequent occurrences of decay, gum diseases and yeast infections in the oral cavity.

Dry mouth can by caused by a number of different reasons, some of which are:

  • certain types of medication (painkillers, antidepressants, cold remedies and anti-allergy drugs);
  • certain diseases and conditions (diabetes, anaemia, arthritis, mumps, increased blood pressure HIV and salivary gland diseases);
  • dehydration (loss of bodily fluids due to sweating, vomiting, blood loss or insufficient consumption of liquids)
  • radiotherapy, especially targeted at the head or neck;
  • surgically removed salivary glands, usually due to a growth.